Special Terms and Conditions for Automotive Advertising

  • The following special conditions apply to the placing of an order for automotive advertising in Newsquest Media Group (“Newsquest”). Where there is a conflict between these terms and the terms of advertising here https://www.newsquest.co.uk/terms-of-advertising the special terms will prevail.

  • Effective date

  • 1. The contract starts from the point at which the data feed or a product is live, whichever is earlier.

  • Advertiser contact details

  • 2. Any changes to contact details such as change of email, address, telephone numbers or company name must be received in writing and sent to customersupport@exchangeandmart.co.uk.

  • 3. Tracking numbers will be used by Newsquest, calls will be recorded and retained for monitoring purposes for at least 6 months.

  • Variable charging (where applicable)

  • 4. Billing occurs on the last day of the month. The reporting period for billing usually covers a period of 28 days, but in some cases this may be 35 days, depending on the number of Fridays in the month. We measure activity on which the charges are based on a weekly basis and then sum them up for monthly billing. Each week’s activity starts 00:00:01 on Friday and ends 23:59:59 on the following Thursday. The reporting period dates for each month are available on request by emailing customersupport@exchangeandmart.co.uk

  • 5. Unique cars are determined by using the client’s external adid per dealer location in the whole or any part of the reporting period, i.e. if a car is live in 2 locations it is counted twice or if an ad is live for one day or 7 days within the reporting period it is chargeable.

  • 6. We charge for Calls, Direct Emails, Indirect Emails, Call Me Backs, Finance Leads and Web Link Referrals at the rates specified on the Minimum Term Order Form.

  • 7. All Emails and Call me Backs are de-duped over 7 days at ad level, so sender is only counted once per week per car.

  • 8. Calls de-duping is at zero days unless otherwise specified on the Minimum Term Order Form. If otherwise specified the caller number (if identifiable) is only counted once in that period per dealer location. We treat all unidentified numbers as unique. We count all calls, whether answered or not unless otherwise specified on this contract.

  • 9. Web link referrals are not de-duped.

  • Advertisements

  • 10. There will be no refunds due to non-receipt of data from third party systems, such as Dealer Edit, Auto Edit.

  • 11. Newsquest undertake to publish data sent on your behalf and received from third party suppliers, we take no responsibility for errors in the data published as supplied.

  • 12. Where Newsquest is at fault for errors or non-appearance, we will only be held responsible from the point at which we are informed and will not be deemed responsible for any issues prior to the situation being drawn to our attention.

  • 13. Where Newsquest is responsible for failing to publish new data, non-appearance of existing data, or significant errors in the display of data, any recompense will be made on a pro rata basis relating to the charges, number of vehicles affected, and period of error.

  • 14. Newsquest reserves the right to vary the volume, sizes, frequency, mixture or form of advertising elements within the agreed package. Advertising delivered will be of an equal or greater value while charges will not exceed the agreed monthly contract price.

  • Term and Termination

  • 15. This agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for an initial minimum period as specified in the Minimum Term Order Form, thereafter running in perpetuity until terminated by either party giving the appropriate notice to the other party in writing. This agreement cannot be cancelled during the Minimum Term. The appropriate notice period is dependent on the date your agreement was signed. If you signed your agreement prior to 1st July 2019, the notice period is 28 days. If you signed your agreement on or after 1st July 2019, the notice period is one full calendar month which is effective from the first day of the next month.

  • 16. Where the agreement does not have a Minimum Term, for example an agreement for the provision of a product or service that incurs a one-off charge, the agreement cannot be cancelled once the product or service has been ordered.

  • 17. Where the contract constitutes an agreement for the provision of the opportunity for vehicle stock or products to be advertised on our site, charges apply regardless of whether this service is used.

  • 18. Cancellation of contract with a third party, including your DMS provider, will not constitute a cancellation with Newsquest.

  • Notices

  • 19. Any notice given to a party under or in connection with this contract shall be in writing and shall be:

    • (a) sent by email to the address which has been expressly specified by the receiving party for such purpose (customersupport@exchangeandmart.co.uk).

  • 20. Any notice shall be deemed to have been received:

    • (a) at 9.00 am on the next Business Day after transmission.

  • 21. A Business Day in this section shall mean a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England when banks in London are open for business.

  • 22. A notice given under this agreement is not valid if sent by email to an address which is not the Specified Address.

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