Ideally, drivers should check their engine oil every week, as recommended by most car manufacturers, yet the Kwik Fit study found that even if that interval is doubled to once a fortnight, just 8% of owners meet the recommendation. Over three fifths of drivers (62%) say that at least three months go by between their oil checks, while shockingly 8% let at least a year pass before checking their dipstick again.
The research found a clear difference between the sexes. 2% of male car owners said they did not know how to check their oil, but this figure rose to one in seven (14%) among female owners. There was also a difference between younger and older drivers – 6% of drivers aged over 55 are unsure how to check their oil level on their vehicle, compared to 10% of those aged 18-34.
For those drivers who are unsure how to check their oil, here is a simple step by step guide.
1 – Park on a level surface, switch off the engine and wait for 3-4 minutes while the oil drains into the sump at the bottom of the engine.
2 – Once the engine is cool, pull out the dipstick, wipe the oil off with a clean cloth then slowly push the dipstick fully back into its tube.
![How to check your oil level image 1]()
3 – Remove the dipstick once more and check the oil level. It should be between the upper and lower marks – if it is closer to the lower one the oil will need topping up.
![How to check your oil level image 2]()
4 – If more oil is needed, it must be the right oil for the vehicle. Replace the dipstick and remove the oil filler cap. Slowly pour some oil in, using a funnel if needed and replace the cap. It’s better to add a small amount at a time rather than risk overfilling, so wait a minute for the oil to drain through the engine, insert the dipstick and check the level again. Add further oil if needed and replace the oil filler cap.